A - Preparing for the Shot:
Step 1. - Checking Camera Default Settings: Your camera has many default settings, many of which you may want to change based upon your picture taking preferences. Make it a point to always know your camera's default settings and always check to make sure that everything has been "reset" to your preferred settings from your last picture taking session. See "My Default Settings" at the bottom.
Step 2. - Evaluating The Subject Matter: Determine the subject matter e.g. landscape, macro, portrait, action. Consider the surroundings for composure. Think conditions e.g. time of day, bright sunshine, cloudy, overcast, direction of lighting, wind and motion.
Step 3. - Selecting & Mounting The Desired Lens: Do you need a wide angle shot or closeup? What is the best focusing distance? Do you need a telephoto to better compose and capture the desired subject? For more information on swapping out lenses in the field, read my photo tip ... Changing Lenses In The Field.
Step 4. - Adding or Removing Lens Filters As Appropriate:
UV - You should almost always use a Ultra Violet filter to protect the lens, however, as they tend to darken exposure and cause a slight color sift, remember to remove it for indoor and low light close-ups.
CPL - Circular Polarizing filters reduce haze, enhances clouds and makes the sky blue. It should be used at a 90-degree angle from the sun, left or right. TIP: When using a CPL filter you might want to increase exposure 1-2 stops. HINT: As with the UV filter, you should remove for indoor and low light pictures.
GND - A Graduated Neutral Density filter will improve contrast. Use on cloudy days and with very bright skies.
FLD - Flourescent Light filter corrects color (white balance) under flourescent lighting conditions.
Step 5. - Determining The Optimum Shooting Method: Can the photo be captured "handheld" or will it require the use of a tripod? Determine the need for stabilization (anti-shake). Though all of today's cameras and lenses offer stabilization, the settings vary by lens and camera. Sometimes it is a function within the menu system of the camera and sometimes it is a 'switch' on the lens itself.
TIP: Make sure Stabilization (anti-shake) is turned on for all handheld shots.
TIP: Make sure Stabilization is turned off for all shots when using a tripod.
NOTE: Always attach the remote shutter release when using a tripod.
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LCD Screen |
TOP BAR OF LCD SCREEN - LEFT to RIGHT these icons are ...
{Flash} [NO FLASH]; when opened the Flash defaults are [F/SLOW/SYNC/RED EYE]
{Film Mode} [STANDARD]=Standard color settings. Additional Film Modes that are available are: DYNamic=Higher Saturation and Contrast, SMOoth=Lower Contrast-Soft & Clean, NATure=Brighter Red, Green & Blue, NOStalgic=Lower Saturation and Contrast, - VIBrant=Higher Saturation and Contrast than DYNAMIC, B&W STD=Standard B&W settings, B&W DYNamic=Higher Contrast B&W Settings, B&W SMOoth=Smoother Gradation & Skin Texture
{My Film Settings} [MY FILM 1]=[Cont= 0][Sharp=+1][Sat=+2][NR=-2]; and [My FILM 2]=[Cont=+2][Sharp=+2][Sat=+2][NR=+2]
{Multi-Film Settings} [MULTI FILM 1]=[Standard]; [MULTI FILM 2]=[Cont= 0][Sharp=+1][Sat=+2][NR=-2]; and [MULTI FILM 3]=[Cont=+2][Sharp=+2][Sat=+2][NR=+2]
{Stabilizer} [M1] Additional settings are OFF M2, M3;
{Shutter Mode} [Single Shot] SET Drive Mode Lever for additional choices of [3-Shot Burst-H],
[3-Shot AutoBracket B+/-], [Self-Timer Mode [3 Shots @ 10Sec]]
{Movie} [HD]
{Picture Size} [L=4:3 12MP] Additional settings: M, S, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1;
{Quality} [RAW+Fine] Additional settings: Std, RAW+Std, RAW;
{i-Exposure} [i-Exp Std] Additional settings: i-Exp Low, i-Exp High (Display-B)
{i-Resolution} [i-Res Std] Additional settings: i-Res Low, i-Res High (Display-B)
{[][][][]} Battery meter indicater
BOTTOM BAR OF LCD SCREEN - LEFT to RIGHT these icons are ...
{Focusing Data Settings} [AFS-AutoFocusSingle] Use the Focus Lever for additional focus settings: [AFC] (Use for Burst Mode); [MF] (Use for MACROS and Close-ups)
{Focus Mode Dial Settings} [1-Area] Additional focus settings: [23-A], [AF-Tracking], [FaceDetect] Use the Focus Dial to change focus settings. After setting focus, Press the AF Lock Button and then frame subject for composition;
{Metering Field Modes} [Multi-Metering] (Use for Landscapes) Use Display button for additional metering options: [Center Weighted] Uses the center of Viewfinder - use for Clustered/Group Shots, [Spot Metering] exact center only - for use on Macro shots.
{Program Mode Dial Settings} [P] (Controls Shutter Speed & Aperture) Press Shutter 1/2-way and rotate Rear Dial to adjust Shutter Speed and Aperture (F-Stop); Press Rear Dial and Rotate to adjust Exposure Compensation (+/-) - this action alternately changes Shutter or Aperture. NOTE: ISO Must be set to 100.
(OPTIONAL) Mode Dial Settings: [A=Aperture Priority] (You select Aperture-Camera sets ShutterS)
- Select Smaller Aperture to create less Depth-of-Field; [S=Shutter Priority] (You select Shutter Speed-Camera sets Aperture) Press Rear Dial to adjust Exposure Compensation (+/-); This action alternately changes the Aperture; [M=Manual Mode] Use when accurate focusing of Macro objects is required.
{Aperture f-Stop Setting Display}
{Shutter Speed Setting Display}
{Exposure Compensation Setting Display} [---0---] Press Rear Dial and rotate to increase/decrease Exposure)
{ISO Setting} [iISO] Press Display Button to adjust ...Auto,100,200,400,800;
{White Balance} [AWB] Press Display Button to adjust ... Sun,Cloudy,Shade,Indoor, etc.
{Frame Number} [Number of Remaining Pictures]
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