The purpose of this page is to provide visitors with and quick overview of the site and a summary outline of the information that is available by clicking on the various TABS at the top of each page. In addition I have added a couple of categories; one [Photography Tips]for making it easier to locate photo tips that I sometimes place at the bottom of the daily posts, and [Photographic Musings] for expressing my random thoughts pertaining to my photographic journey.
Click on any of the links below to view detailed information pertaining to that particular subject.
Under the TAKING PICS tab:
01. Checking Your Equipment
Step 1. Camera Check
Step 2. Camera Bag Check
Step 3. Photo Vest Check
Step 4. Optional Equipment Check
02. Preparing for the Shot
Step 1. Checking Camera Default Settings
Step 2. Determining and Evaluating The Subject Matter
Step 3. Selecting and Mounting The Desired Lens
Step 4. Adding or Removing Lens Filters As Appropriate
Step 5. Determining The Optimum Shooting Method
03. Taking the Shot
Step 1. Determining The End Use
Step 2. Establish A Shooting Routine
Step 3. Resetting Between Shots
Step 4. Changing Lenses in the field
Under the SAVING PICS tab:
Saving Pictures
Step 1. - Transferring Negatives To The Computer:
Step 2. - Creating Subject Folders For Permanent Placement Of Your Pictures:
Step 3. - Preparing Picture Files for Permanent Storage:
Step 4. - Review for Placement Into More Specific Subject Folders:
Step 5. - Performing A Backup:
Under the EDITING PICS tab:
Beginning the Editing Process
Step 1. - Open the New Subject Folder:
Step 2. - Stitch all Panoramic Pictures:
Step 3. - Eliminate/Delete Unsatisfactory Pictures:
Step 4. - Perform Individual Picture Editing (RAW Mode):
Step 5. - Perform Individual Picture Editing (JPG Mode):
Step 6. - Finishing The Editing Process:
Step 7. - Resize by Resampling
Step 8. - (OPTIONAL) Adding Special Effects:
Under the SHARING PICS tab:
Sharing Your Pictures
1. Sending Photos Via Email:
2. Sending Photos Via The Web:
3. Using Dropbox To Share Large Photos & Slideshows
Under the MY EQUIPMENT tab:
My Camera Equipment
Camera & Lenses
Accessories: Remote Shutter Release, Spare Battery, Close-up Macro Lens Kit, Filter Kit,
Lens Cleaning Kit, Camera Bag, Hiking Vest, Lens Pouch, Camera Belt Holster
Under the SOFTWARE tab:
Picture Editing Software
1. FastStone Image Viewer:
2. Picasa and Picasa Web Albums:
3. Hugin - Panoramic Photo Stitcher
4. PaintShop Pro X4 Ultimate
5. Scrapbook Factory Deluxe Version 5
6. ProShow Gold
7. Inpaint 4
Under the REFERENCES tab:
References & Referrals
Photography Tips:
1. DPS - Digital Photography School
2. Top Photography Tips
3. Digital SLR Photography Guide
4. Picture Correct
5. Pixelated Image
6. Mansurovs
Transferring Photos To Canvas:
1. CanvasOnDemand
2. Image Canvas
3. Canvas People
Looking for Help on Purchasing Cameras and Equipment:
3. Imaging
1. Digital Expressions
2. Craft & Vision - The FREE e-Book
3. Craft & Vision - Exposure for Outdoor Photography
Inspirational Photography Sites:
1. A Walk Through Durham Township! by Kathleen Connally:
2. Abelardo Morell photography:
3. Art, Photography, and Sculpture by Johnathan Danforth:
4. Martin Stranka Photography: