
Journal Entry for Monday, Dec 5th

Setting Photography Goals
Set GoalsToday's Photo Tip: Set Goals. I recently read an article on the DPS site suggesting that the best way to become a better photographer is to develop a running list of goals and to keep adding to it as you discover new techniques and art forms. As much as I hate the word [goals], as it, in my mind, has always been synonymous with 'work', I decided to try this in the upcoming year to see if it would help. The one thing I have already learned to accept, is the fact that the road to becoming a better photographer is littered with time consuming research, reading, practice and execution that can only be classified as 'hard work'. The good news however, is that when the culmination of these efforts results in a skill set that produces better pictures, it makes it all seem worthwhile. If there is one thing I have learned in life, it’s never have too many goals; that way you won’t get too stressed or disappointed by not being able to achieve them. KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid.

Here are my goals for 2012.
  • Start taking pictures in RAW format. I have avoided this because I know it will involve more ‘work’ to learn and deal with the editing aspects, but have learned from reading that it will provide me with more ‘data’; thereby allowing me to create better pictures.
  • Learn the techniques necessary for creating HDR pictures. Again, this is something that I’ve been avoiding because I have had the impression that it would require too much effort to employ.
  • Spend more time taking pictures. Basically, the only time I take pictures is one day a week while on my scheduled hikes with the rock hounds from the senior center. I need to set aside one more day a week, so I can spend more time practicing things I have learned, without the time constraints of being with others.
If you need even more encouragement, I read another article recently that expressed the notion that, "Talent Is For Shit" - that everyone has some talent. That, "it is as common as house dust or kudzu vine in Alabama and is just about as valuable. Nothing is as valuable as the habit of work, and work has to become a habit. The best advice ... is to work, work, work." Thus, my third goal - Spend more time taking pictures.

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