
Journal Entry for Friday, December 28th

Year End Reviews
chimp-thinkingIn addition to regular monthly reviews and maintenance/performance checks, each year, starting about mid-December, I begin making a year-end review of all the files and programs on my computer. If one wants to get the most out of their programs, help insure that their computer runs smoothly, and make sure that there is always space for their pictures and data, monthly and yearly reviews are an absolute necessity. Unfortunately, as I get older, it appears that everything I do is taking longer and longer. Here it is, nearly the end of the year and I’m only about 80% complete. Maybe next year I will need to start earlier. It seems like every time I complete a task, it leads me to another that needs attention. What is it that I do that takes so long you might ask? Here is a summary of just a few of the things I have checked, reviewed and updated: Note: This list does not include all of the individual steps for performing some of these items such as making temporary backups or creating system restore files and rebooting between various operations, etc.
Check 01: Uninstall/Delete Unused Programs: I review each of the programs installed on my for relevancy. It seems that I download a lot of programs throughout the year and sometimes only end up using them once or twice. If I haven’t used them in the past 3-4 months, I uninstall/delete them.
Check 02: Update All Used Programs: I then check each of the remaining programs for updates and download and install updates as needed.
Check 03: Review Hard Drive Status: As I have three internal drives and two external drives storing various picture and data files, I check the storage capacity of each drive to insure that I have enough space for storing the new years’ pictures and data. 
Check 04: Review/Update Back-up Procedures:
I review my folder structure, folders and the picture and or data files contained there-in, relocating files and folders as needed, and then make needed changes to my overall backup plan to insure that all important files are being backed up. I also determine if any data files need updating and make a list for future use.
Check 05: Update Data Files as Needed: Using the list of files requiring update found during the previous check, I make needed changes. For example I ended up updating some of my estate files, my inventory files, financial information (credit cards, checking, etc.), my safety deposit box files, my email contact list, address book, etc.

Finally, when all this is complete, I run a series of OS and computer cleanup and maintenance procedures that includes such items as the following:
  • Set a New Windows Restore Point
  • Review of all Startup Programs
  • Check for Driver Updates
  • Check for Windows OS Updates
  • Run Disk Cleanup Programs to Delete Temporary Internet Files, Clear Browsing History, Manage/Delete Cookies, and Empty the Recycle Bin
  • Run Registry Cleaner/Defragmenter
  • Run Disk Defragmenter
  • Vacuum/Clean Inside of computer
A detailed year-end review will insure that your OS and programs are up-to-date, that your computer and peripherals will run faster, that your system is safe from attacks, provide you with the peace of mind that all necessary files are being backed up and that you have adequate space for a new year's worth of pictures and data.

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